Creating Client Contacts

Client contacts are considered external actors in the system and can even be given access to SmartSolve if assigned the proper rights and roles.

NOTE: If the contact is not logging into the system as a user, the contact can still be assigned an email address and be notified when certain events take place in SmartSolve.

If client contacts will not be logging into the system, it may still be important to list them in the system and assign them roles as place holders for certain types of records.

  1. From the SmartSolve Portal Page, click the Home tab.
  2. In the Setup and Policy section, click Setup.
  3. In the Organization Unit section, click Client.
    Result: The Clients window is displayed.
  4. Click the arrow for the client and select Contact.
  5. Click Action >Add.
    Result: The Contact entry window is displayed.
  1. Enter the code for and name of the new client contact.
  2. Enter the information in the following default fields:
Field Description


The code is a unique field that identifies the contact. Most users populate this field with the contact’s first initial/last name or last name/first initial.

Logon User*

If the contact will be logging into the system, this is the logon ID used by the contact to log into the application. Ensure the logon user entry exactly matches the user ID entered in the user account on your server. Passwords do not need to be set up as the application uses the password from the user's account on the server.

Enable Logon*

Check this checkbox to allow the contact to log into the application with a valid user ID.

First and Last Name, Middle Initial*

Enter the first and last name of the contact. This information will be used for searching.


Enter the title of this contact, basically the role that this contact plays for this client. This information is entered for identification and used for searching and grouping when looking up client contacts.

Internal Contact*

The internal contact is the actor in your organization who is responsible for this client contact. This field is required because it may later be used for escalation.

Contact Type

Click the drop down arrow and select the type of supplier contact, such as Primary or Quality. For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Contact Types.

Email Address

Enter the contact’s email address in this field if you want your client contact to be notified by email of items that need to be completed.


Enter additional contact address information.

Supplier Site

Zoom to select the supplier site for the client contact.

Preferred Locale

If you have set up the system to translate SmartSolve using languages other than English and your contact will be logging into the system, refer to the Translating Field Names section in the Studio Designer Help System.

  1. Click the Save button.
    Result: The new contact has been added and the Detail of the contact is displayed. The following default tabs are available in the contact record:
Tab Description


The Detail folder contains all of the details about the contact's login, title, and phone information.


Roles are assigned to contacts if they will be logging into the application or if you are using them as placeholders in records, such as investigators and approvers. See How to Attach Multiple Roles to a Single User.

Rights Groups

Rights groups are assigned to contacts if they will be logging into the application, such as investigators and approvers. See How to Attach Multiple Rights Groups to a Single User.


This is a read only folder used by the administrator to quickly verify if the contact has the correct right or is missing a right to perform a function. The rights in this folder are populated when rights groups are added.


This is a read only folder used by the administrator to quickly view how many approval or review groups this contact has been added to.

Address Info

This folder is used to modify the contact’s address information.

See Also


Creating Clients



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM